School Infirmary

School Infirmary

1.In case of injury or accident during student life or on the way to or from school

① Procedures for receiving disaster benefits <PDF: 125KB>

② Application documents (6 types) (Details: click here)

* You can also visit the following website for more information:

2.In case of influenza or other infectious diseases

 ⇒First, contact the school. Then be sure to report it in the WBT health course.

First, contact the school. Then be sure to report it in the WBT health course.

Click here to login to WBT

How to contact:


(2)Go to “Academic Organization” Category → “School Infirmary”

(3)If you have an infectious disease such as influenza, report it in the “Report Influenza and Other Infectious Diseases” section of the “Influenza and Other Infectious Diseases” topic.

①What to do if you have influenza

 According to the School Health and Safety Law, the first day of school after the onset of influenza is 5 days after the onset and 2 days after the fever has broken.

(According to the School Health and Safety Law, the first day of school after the onset of influenza is 5 days after the onset and 2 days after the fever has broken.)

Both of these conditions need to be met.

 When you return, please submit the Influenza Curing Report Form and the Drug Information Form (instructions to be obtained from the pharmacy) to the Health Office or the Educational Affairs Section. In addition, students in grades 1-3 should submit an “Approved Absence Form” and students in grades 4 and above should submit an “Absence Form” to the Educational Affairs Section. (Forms are available at the Student Affairs Office.)

②Precautions for Infectious Diseases other than Influenza

If you have an infectious disease designated as a school infectious disease, you may need to refrain from attending school. Please consult with your doctor and contact your homeroom teacher/AD immediately if you need to take a break. Please follow the instructions of your doctor and fill out the form below and submit it to the nurse or the Educational Affairs Section on the first day of school.

3.Health management in preventing the spread of new coronavirus infections

Please observe the following items:

 Please be sure to monitor your child’s health by taking their temperature every day before school and filling out a health record form.

 If you have a fever of 37.5 or higher or cold symptoms such as cough or sore throat, please do not come to school and call the school (homeroom teacher or advisor).

 Please recuperate at home until the fever and symptoms subside. (During the period of home treatment, your attendance will be suspended.)

 If any of the above symptoms occur after school, students will not be allowed to rest in the infirmary. Students will be picked up by their parents and sent home immediately.

 When the symptoms subside and you return to work, you will be asked to submit an absence report and a health record to the Educational Affairs Section, so please keep a record of your absence every day while you are recovering at home.

 If you become a close contact, or if you have a fever or symptoms that do not go away, contact your school immediately, and call a medical institution or health center for advice and instructions.


You can download the Health Observation Record Form from the following link.