Contact for overseas travel
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Contact for overseas travel
Contact for overseas travel
If you are planning to go abroad (for all overseas travel, such as language study, family travel, etc.), you must notify the Student Affairs Division in advance, so please email the following information to the Educational Records and Programs Section before leaving Japan.
Educational Affairs Section , Student Affairs Division
- Student Number, Name (Kanji and Romaji) *Please provide the name (Romaji) written in your passport.
- Purpose of travel (conference presentation/participation, research, language study, home stay, etc.)
- Purpose of travel (conference presentation/participation, research, language study, home stay, etc.)
- Destination (e.g., XX University, Sydney, etc.)
- Transition period (e.g. Apr 20-30, 2016)
- A cell phone number where you can be reached during your trip, if you have one (e.g. +81 852-36-5125)
- An email address where you can be contacted during your trip, if you have one.
- Contact information in Japan in case of emergency (names and phone numbers of parents, grandparents, etc.)
- Please be sure to register with the “Tabi Regi” overseas travel registration system of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan before leaving Japan.
Tabi Regi URL:
Contact E-mail address: kyoumu
*Please add “” to the end of your e-mail address.